Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Shelf friends

Disconnecting from old friends is easy to do. Life gets busy, people move, phones seem to stop working and motivation dwindles. But when you get that message or phone call from someone whose been on the shelf for a while its like wearing your favorite pair of shoes, your favorite outfit, eating your favorite desert or listening to an old favorite song.

The song starts to play, you feel the skipping of your heart and cant help but sing and move with the music. Floods of memories pour in and good times have been reborn.

Its the same with shelf friends. Their dust is gone and its like time never passed. You can reunite as if you have been in contact all your life, never missin' a beat and just being besties.

Time to dust off the shelf.

1 comment:

EMILY STAR said...

Dude. (do you like it that i just called you dude?)

I reeeeeeessssonnnnate. Friendship is really pretty intricate. I want to be a better friend to people--but i also want to be in the moment with the people i am with....so it's this weird balance that i totally do not have figured out. i am so glad you started writing laura! i love it! love emily