Tuesday, April 27, 2010

In Love

Today my boyfriend burped in my face and blew it at me.
We are so in love.

Shelf friends

Disconnecting from old friends is easy to do. Life gets busy, people move, phones seem to stop working and motivation dwindles. But when you get that message or phone call from someone whose been on the shelf for a while its like wearing your favorite pair of shoes, your favorite outfit, eating your favorite desert or listening to an old favorite song.

The song starts to play, you feel the skipping of your heart and cant help but sing and move with the music. Floods of memories pour in and good times have been reborn.

Its the same with shelf friends. Their dust is gone and its like time never passed. You can reunite as if you have been in contact all your life, never missin' a beat and just being besties.

Time to dust off the shelf.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mushy Mushy

Have you ever sent a mushy text to the wrong person? Meant to get to a significant other but then addressed to the wrong receiver?


Wrap Me Up

Spring time gets me every time. Seeing the blossoms and smelling the crisp air just makes me feel like I can never be a part of nature to the full extent. I just have to!
I think the only way I can be apart of the spring and the magic that happens is to lie in a field.

The sun is shining. Lie in the green blanket that itches a little bit as it settles around your body. Don't move! Let it wrap itself around you. Slowly nature and you become one. The green-grass blanket intertwines itself with your fingers and toes, eyes fixed on the sky. Warm tickes of sunlight, the kiss of the breeze. Nothing but the swish of the blanket of grass and the hum of the bugs.Nature becomes a part of you, the place we come, the organic matter God created us out of, we return to.


It seems so interesting how we can sometimes want to be apart of nature so badly. We have to leave the city, the man-made contraptions and be apart of the nature, the nat-ur-al. We were created for such peace, serenity and simplicity, the spring!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I'm pretty nervous. Not specifically but in general.
I feel entangled by these subconscious nerves that arent attached to anything
but my own twitching brain. I think they call it anxiety.
Someone once told me that anxiety can come from a sense of feeling trapped.
Im stubbled into the traps I set for myself.
Old and rusted, bent bars that have been hit by the prisoner but have never been broken, my cage subdues me.
Anxiety locks me in and my mind starts to play, taunting with the things that seem impossible to solve.

"Daily and nightly all fighting just like me... Hear the moan of wings that will never spread.
How can I teach your soul to soar?"

She said, "Picture yourself in freedom, what are you doing?"
Become one in your freedom.
The bars start to jitter and fracture and then they vanish.
Spread. One after the other. They are there.
Step into something that the soul knows. It wants to take the tattered
and crippled wings it possesses and to flee the cage; they want to spread in the freedom that is, isn't, can and forever will be.
Then she asked me, "Can you do one more thing for me?"
Can you Just Be Free

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tick Tock

What is it about time that makes me not know what to do with it?
When I have everything in the world to do, I have no time
When I have oddles and doodles of time I dont know what to do with it but I know there must be something. I take time for granted but dont have enough of the time I take.
I guess its time to figure out what to do.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Sometimes I got a lot to say.
Sometimes I can't think of what to say.
Sometimes I can't think of how to say it.
Sometimes I don't know if I should say it.